Monday, March 19, 2007

Self Hypnosis

by Trevor Dumbleton

For those who want to power of hypnosis to work for them, but do not want to be hypnotized by a stranger, self hypnotism is an excellent option. By putting yourself into a hypnotic state and applying suggestion to yourself, you can realize all the results you want to see from hypnosis, but you do not have to put yourself in the hands of someone whom you may not be entirely comfortable with.

Self hypnotism is an excellent tool for those who want to stay in control of themselves and their hypnotic state. It does not require visiting a trained hypnotist and it allows you to give yourself whatever suggestion you wish to work toward any goal that you desire for yourself. Instead of working with someone who may not understand you or your reasons for your own suggestion, it is quite a relief to know that everything is designed precisely the way you want it.

As well, self hypnotism can be less expensive that visiting a hypnotist. By learning the process from a book or from the Internet, you can have all the tools you need whenever you need them. Instead of paying a hypnotist for every visit, you can self hypnotize yourself at your leisure and it will only cost the one-time fee of a book. Or it could even be free, if you read about the process on-line or through a library book.

For those who are looking for something a little different, self hypnotism tapes are very popular. By walking you through the steps involved in hypnosis and allowing you to enter a much deeper state than you could with other forms of self hypnotism, the results can be more pronounced and more effective. These tapes are easy to find and often relatively inexpensive. Thus, if a lot of reading is not your cup of tea, check out these tapes to see what they can do for you.

Hypnosis is powerful, but not everyone is comfortable being hypnotized by someone else. So if you are fascinated by the power and possibilities of hypnosis, but you want to do it in the privacy of your own home, or while you are alone, self hypnotism can let you do that. Whether you want to effect positive change, such as curing a phobia or quitting smoking, or you simply want to use the incredibly relaxing state of hypnosis just to cope with stress, check out self hypnotism and see what a difference it can make for you.

About the Author: teaches you how to use hypnosis to improve your life. Hypnotism can help with weight loss, stopping smoking, fear of public speaking and more. You can also learn to hypnotize yourself.
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'Manufacturing Consent' and Hypnosis

by Robert Bruce Baird

Noam Chomsky's 'Manufacturing Consent':

When Chomsky speaks about "thought control in a democratic society" is he properly called a Conspiracy Theorist? Is there a real plan that our leaders have? Does it go as far as what FDR said when he noticed 'If it happened, it was planned'? As I often say throughout all my books - 'If there is no plan; we need one. Let's make it a plan or conspiracy based on Love.' Chomsky was the educational and psychological guru for many years before he got a conscience after seeing the way his Neuro-Linguistic-Programming was used by government agencies and the medical model. He may not yet be telling the truth of what he knows about these things. Maybe he is not aware of the applications in conjunction with the work of Dr. Michael Persinger but in listening to his speeches a couple of times I say he is very much aware of the underlying ethos that rules our world.


This is an entry from one volume of my Encyclopedia. The mind and the soul have ways of integrating that we have carried on a great length about under diverse entries such as Thalami, Aum (Om) and wholistic medical advances or Cancer cures. Under magnetism we mentioned Mesmer who is considered the 'Father of Hypnosis' by many. Hypnosis is just another way to achieve an altered state of consciousness like meditation or good sex. Like many avenues to the soul and away from the control of those who would keep us in the dark and treat us like mushrooms (feeding us the excrement of animals they think are as low as 'they' truly are); hypnotism has suffered the attacks of many well-respected 'experts'. It has shown it has validity and value despite this often frontal assault on what actually 'works'! The power of positive thinking became a major part of the culture and self-help genre in the 70s and it is a form of hypnosis sometimes.

"Hypnosis is a level of consciousness that is being neither awake nor asleep. Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility normally characterized by focused or concentrated attention and often bodily relaxation. Music, focusing on deep breathing, isolation tanks, meditation, focusing on a word such as 'calm' over and over, running, massage, saunas, even warm baths can alter consciousness. {Fasting can accentuate any INTENT, as well.}

Any atmosphere that encourages imagery can alter consciousness. This may include: *The scent of burning incense *Lighting effects with flickering candles in darkness, stained glass windows *Emotion-arousing music, repetitive sounds, chanting *Symbolism with specific architectural designs, decor with pictures and ornate carvings, robes, etc. *Point of fixation such as an altar, picture, candle flame, or cross *Ceremony with certain rituals *Sermon with repetitive ideas or sounds and specific voice inflections *Silent meditation with eyes closed, focusing attention away from the outer world to the inner world of the mind

Any and all of these factors {Plus repetitive propaganda and peer expectation.} may aid the creation of an altered state of consciousness, which some people call the superconscious state of a 'higher self' state. The unfortunate fact is that this state also is capitalized on by more than 5,000 cults in America, which exploit followers under the guise of healing, personal growth, and self-actualization.

My most memorable show of the eighties was at the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) in Vancouver, British Columbia. We held 33 evening concerts in 17 days. More than 50,000 people saw our presentations with up to 5,000 spectators at a single performance. The shows were done on a huge stage that was often over-crowded even though it could hold more than 200 people.

The expectancy of the crowd reached the point where I could walk on stage and within seconds have 50 to 100 people collapse in seconds and fall to the floor. All I had to do was go to the center of the stage, look over the entire crowd, raise my right hand and simultaneously drop it, and in a commanding voice shout 'Sleep'. This was a quick way to get the show moving, and that was important for full entertainment impact. The audience couldn't get enough of the show and enjoyed the humor the volunteers' antics created much more than how the actual hypnosis worked." (7)

About the Author:
Columnist in The ES Press Magazine guest expert Author of Diverse Druids
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Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotism and the Truth about the Funky Chicken!

by Richard MacKenzie

So what's Hypnosis? Is it the Funky Chicken, the Tina Turner impression or eating a juicy lemon thinking that is a nice ripe peach? In around the 1780's a European medic called Mesmer began a fascinating journey that would change the world of therapy and entertainment forever! This outwardly appearing eccentrically wonderful flamboyant character took his therapy to the stage and created Stage Hypnosis.

Over two hundred years after this momentous event the world is still saying WOW in amazement to this gracious art. "Hypnotherapy has come so far and I believe that we are now in an age where we now know so much of how the mind works and what makes us tick, that it is possible to successfully change our lives into the dreams that we wish them to be! During my time as a Hypnotherapist I have enjoyed tremendous results from my clients, I put this down to my main work ethic, which is - When I work with someone my only aim is to help them achieve the kind of life that they desire through empowerment!" Said the UK's top Hypnotist, Richard MacKenzie, he followed by saying, "Eventhough Hypnotherapy is a serious mainstream therapy, I believe that it should not forget its roots and separate itself from Stage Hypnosis, but see it as a vehicle to promote the wonderful benefits of Hypnosis in Therapy.

Hypnosis can be briefly described as an altered state of consciousness, just like daydreaming. While in Hypnosis, changes can be made in the part of the mind that you don't consciously use, this is called the sub or unconscious mind. Also while in Hypnosis you will feel relaxed and comfortable and will be able to hear the Hypnotists voice guide you to make the changes that you want to achieve. Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state, as mentioned it's a bit like being in a daydream. You will know exactly what is going on around you, but also be so completely relaxed. Hypnotherapy is also about empowering the individual to make changes in their life. So by coming just for Smoking, Weight Loss or Stress, you will leave your session being able to use Self-Hypnosis, to change and make the life you've always dreamt of.

About the Author:
Richard gained much public exposure with the release of his book, SELF-CHANGE Hypnosis which is a complete guide to Self Hypnosis. Over and over again, he has personally helped many people in top and influential positions to realize their potential and to reach for even greater goals! br>Please visit Richard's site at
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Hypnotize the Pounds Away: Weight Loss Motivation Through Hypnosis

by Stephen Todd

Hypnotize the Pounds Away: Weight Loss Motivation Through Hypnosis Many individuals these days, male or female, young or old, are struggling with weight management. Concerns with rising cases obesity are no longer based upon a Hollywood conception of what is the appropriate body size. Instead of doctors wanting their patients to be "thinner", they want them to be healthier. The patients, however, are not necessarily discerning the difference.

What Has This Lead To? Both women and men alike are becoming hooked on yo-yo diets. What is a yo-yo diet? Yo-yo dieting describes the process of going on a diet, losing a few pounds and then going off the diet. When the pounds come back, the dieter then begins another diet and the process continues. Repetitive weight loss and gain is hard on the body, especially the heart and of course, it is hard on the emotional state of the dieter as well.

In addition to this, many dieters are using unhealthy methods of losing weight. Many take dieting pills which are often just glorified caffeine pills claiming to be the miracle cure for obesity. Then, there are those who dive into the "fad diets". Whether it is the cabbage or grapefruit diets, many of these do not give individuals the nutrition they need to live healthily. In addition, low carb diets such as Atkins often create abnormally high levels of protein in the body for the liver to digest. After all, man cannot live on meat and cheese alone.

What To Do? Sometimes, good old diet and exercise is just not enough. Maybe it's the genes. Maybe it is behavioral choices that we make everyday without realizing how they are undermining our health. So how do we change these behaviors? One method is through weight loss motivation hypnosis. You may have visions of a creepy soul dangling a pocket watch in front of your face and your eyes beginning to spin. However, this is not what hypnosis is.

The goal of hypnosis is to access the subconscious mind. Under normal circumstances, you control your conscious level of thought while your subconscious takes care of the automatic stuff, like tying your shoes or starting the dishwasher, things that do not require conscious thought. Still, your subconscious is like the driving force that works with our conscious brain to control our actions. Sleeping is the time when consciousness is put on the back burner and the subconscious mind can take control.

Dieting Motivation Through Hypnosis Hypnotism works on relaxing the conscious level of the mind. Although your conscious mind is subdued and the subconscious mind is allowed the front seat, you are still knowledgeable about what is going on. You and your hypnotist will work to "reprogram" the subconscious side of you. If chocolate, for example, is your weakness, your hypnotist may associate chocolate with nausea so that thinking of chocolate makes you feel nauseous.

About the Author:
This original article may be placed on your own web site, or included in your ezine or newsletter, provided you display the following:To read more original hypnotherapy articles visit the HypnoSpot web site:
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Fear and Anxiety: They Are No Match For Hypnosis

by Stephen Todd

Fear and Anxiety: They Are No Match For Hypnosis Many people struggle each day with fear and anxiety. We're not talking about being afraid that you didn't pass your last test or anxiety over a job interview. Anxiety and fear become deep rooted elements of a person's life and can create havoc in relationships and make it impossible to function on a day to day basis.

Anxiety often creates a snowball effect of emotions that take place when something, even the smallest thing, goes wrong in a person's life. For example, for someone struggling with anxiety, even the minutest intrusion can throw his or her entire day out of line.

Let's say you are getting ready for work and your cat throws up on your carpet. Automatically your mind starts racing. This means you are going to be late for work, which means your boss is going to think you are irresponsible, which means you are never going to get the raise you need to buy your first home which means you are going to be stuck in an apartment forever and your whole financial life is ruined. In an instant cat vomit is equated to a destroyed life for someone dealing with anxiety.

Fear Is Often Related To Anxiety. Individuals often become afraid of things that have led them to anxiety in the past. The individual in the above example may never look at cats the same way again. Fear leads to the avoidance of things that people fear and can create havoc in their lives such as the example given above. People may become phobic of snakes, spiders, clowns, chickens and many other things.

A New Approach Perhaps you are someone struggling with fear and anxiety. You may have tried different methods including counseling and anti-anxiety medications to make it go away but nothing has worked. You may have spent hours in the self-help section of your local bookstore with no luck.

You still have one more option available to try and that is hypnosis. No, hypnosis does not mean that you are put into a trance by a freaky man with a pocket watch. The problem with basic therapy is that it simply uses the conscious portion of your brain. The conscious part is the portion that controls and assists you with day-to-day thought processes.

The purpose of hypnotism is to relax the conscious level of the brain and subdue it so that the subconscious portion is allowed to come forward. What is the subconscious? The subconscious mind is that portion of your brain that takes care of your automatic day-to-day business such as riding a bicycle. You have done it so many times that conscious though is no longer required for these tasks.

Once the subconscious is accessible to the hypnotist, he or she will work with you to rewire your subconscious. For example, if you are afraid of spiders, a hypnotist can help you relate spiders to something light and funny instead of something to be afraid of. Over time, you will learn that you are significantly bigger than your fears and can overcome them all through hypnotherapy!

About the Author:
This original article may be placed on your own web site, or included in your ezine or newsletter, provided you display the following:To read more original hypnotherapy articles visit the HypnoSpot web site:
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Free hypnosis download

by Terry Doherty

Free Self Hypnosis Download

The UK's two leading Hypnotists, Richard MacKenzie and Terry Doherty are making another first in the world of Personal Development and Hypnotherapy. The pair have launched, which is a site that millions all over the world are expected to visit and download a FREE Hypnotherapy Download that they have compiled and is part of their easyTrance Range.

Author of Self-Change Hypnosis Richard MacKenzie said, "I think that is one of the best projects I have ever worked on. I have not only been able to work with my much respected colleague Terry Doherty, but am going to be able to help millions of people in the process as this Hypnotherapy download can be accessed for free all over the world!"

Leading British Hypnotist Terry Doherty said, "It's been a real joy working with Richard MacKenzie, we have managed to pull our joint knowledge together, creating what we believe to be an exceptionally effective programme for life changes. Our double powered inductions take anyone into an easy trance like state where they can go on an inward journey for self development".

Leading Hypnotherapist Terry Doherty has said about the project, "When Richard and I sat down to discuss the project I was very excited to be working with Richard because he has such extensive knowledge and has a thriving practice in the UK." Terry continued, "The Name Richard MacKenzie, I believe, will become synonymous with hypnosis in the future"

Their whole range of downloads cover a great many issues such as Quit Smoking, Weight Loss, Stress Management, Jealousy, Wealth and Abundance, Confidence, Public Speaking and much more. So with what ever you wish to deal with, Self Hypnosis and these Hypnotherapy Downloads are probably just the thing that you are looking for!

The ancient art of Hypnotism has certainly come a long way over the years and both Richard and Terry have undoubtedly done their part to progress it into the success that it is today. The pair have literally helped thousands of people to achieve what can only be considered by most people as 'miracles' in their lives.

They have also showed what great effects that their ground breaking hypnotic techniques can have on big business and the corporate world, regularly going into companies and helping the people that wanted to quit smoking or with stress management. When these guys go in to a company for a day, the amazing results that are seen especially the increase in profit margins are just simply astonishing.

Both Terry and Richard invite you to get your free Hypnosis Download from, infact why not forward this article or the site address to all of your friends and help the power of easyTrance to grow all over the world…?

About the Author: Terry Doherty has been increasingly gaining an international reputation for outstanding results in the use of therapeutic practice working both with individual clients and corporates. Terry has trained in both Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and in advanced hypnotherapy. He has been trained by, among others, Shaun Brookhouse (International Hypnotherapist and owner of the Washington School of clinical and advanced Hypnosis
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The history of hypnosis and hypnotherapy as a healing tool for mankind

by Alan Crisp DHP

The history of hypnosis and hypnotherapy as a powerful healing tool for the benefit of mankind

The use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool is as old as man himself. As far as can be traced back through time, we can find records of hypnosis being used to heal and to make change. Hypnosis has been used under many different names down through the centuries and the use of hypnosis for healing can be traced back to around 3000 BC in Egypt. Both the new and old testaments of the Bible speak of what could be deemed to be hypnosis, and the ancient Greeks and Romans had sleep temples where those seeking healing would be put into a trance like sleep. Their dreams, would be interpreted by the priests. By rhythmic drumming and monotonous chanting together with eye fixation, the Shaman of today can still produce catalepsy of the body and this helps to give the shaman the appearance of having magical powers just as they have done for centuries. Much of what has been done in the past by the village witchdoctor, shaman or wise woman, can be attributed to the fostering of a strong belief, conviction, expectation and imagination in the one being healed, and the chanting and singing often takes the form of what we would term as suggestion. After all, if the most powerful and magic person you know tells you will become well, you are very likely to do just that. Of course in many cases where such an individual administered to a sick person they would have recovered eventually anyway and this intervention just speeded up the healing process. It has long been believed by many healers that body, thoughts and emotions can influence one another. Therefore it is possible to influence a physical sickness by working on and realizing particular emotions and by changing thoughts and behavioural patterns. The Romans said 'MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO', healthy mind in healthy body. This saying seems to confirm that for many centuries it has been believed that physical and emotional well-being have an effect on one another. To put this in perspective, only has to consider how our health declines after periods of stress or as a consequence of radical events. The division between body and mind in medicine is something that only took place around 1750, with the scientific developments from Newton. Since then the mind and spirit have been considered to be under the jurisdiction of the church and the body under the jurisdiction of science. This is also the reason why all other kinds of medicine see the human being as a whole consisting of body, mind and soul. Traumatic experiences are not only stored on an emotional level but also on the physical level. The emotional charge of the different traumas can influence our immune system and health conditions. Through processing old traumas and the emotional charges that are connected to a certain sickness it is possible to find resources inside of us that could help us start the healing process. Modern hypnosis began with Anton Mesmer (1734 - 1815) in the 18th Century. Mesmer was a medical graduate from the famed medical school of Vienna and after studying as a Jesuit priest, he became interested in magnetism. Mesmer became Europe's foremost expert at magnetic healing, where magnets where passed over the body to effect a healing. His results where fabulous and so he became very famous. Mesmer believed all living things contained a kind of magnetic 'fluid' and if a person had enough of this fluid, they would be healthy. This is where the term 'Animal Magnetism' comes from. Mesmer forgot his magnets one day and so just made passes over the patient with his hands and was surprised to find that they got better. From there on, he thought he had sufficient magnetic fluid in himself top effect the cures.

James Braid (1795-1860) coined the terms 'hypnotism' and 'hypnosis, in 1843. He was a Scottish surgeon working in Manchester. He found that some people could go into a trance if there eyes where fixated on a bright object like a pocket watch for instance. He believed that a neurological process was involved and that the process could be very useful when no organic origin could be found for a persons disorder.

James Esdaile (1808-1859) another Scottish surgeon working in India would use ey fixation to prepare a patient for surgery and slow sweeping motions, putting them into a deep hypnotic sleep, causing full amnesia throughout the body.

James Braid and James Esdaile where among the first who could be called 'scientific' in their research and use of hypnosis. These pioneers removed hypnosis from the realms of 'mysticism', and started experimenting with what could really be done with it to help people with their disorders. Other scientific pioneers include, Liebeault, Bernheim, Brewer and Freud. Unfortunately the great man himself, Freud, was responsible for hypnotherapy being shelved by many for some time when he abandoned it's use.

Amongst those individuals who have been fundamental to the current view of hypnosis are: Milton Erikson, Ormond McGill, Charles Tebbetts and Dave Elman.

Ormond McGill was, it is true a stage hypnotist, but he preserved the public interest in hypnosis, but then the great Charles Tebbetts was involved in stage hypnosis in the early part of his career, but these where different times to those we live in today and the stage hypnosis would prove to engender a desire to know more about this curious art and therefore bring many of the people who moved the therapeutic use of hypnotherapy forward through the last (20th) century.

Dave Elman brought some measure of acceptance to hypnosis from the medical profession in the USA when the Council on Medical health of the American Medical Association accepted the use of hypnotherapy in 1958.

Probably the most important contributor to the acceptance of hypnotherapy as both an art and a science, was the grandfather of hypnotherapy - Dr Milton Erikson. Dr Erikson was a psychiatrist and hypnotherapist with outstanding professional credentials and because of his solid medical background he had credibility within the medical profession. Other people worthy of note for their contribution to the advancement of hypnotherapy as a healing art and as a science in the 20th century are: Rosen, Abramson, Menninger, Shenek, Magonet, Wolberg, LeCron, Bordeaux, Wetzenhoffer, Erwin and Simonton, who continues to do amazing things with cancer patients using mental imagery and focusing on beliefs and belief systems amongst other things.

By Alan Crisp Clinical Hypnotherapist DHP GQHP MASC MBIH LNCP GHR Reg

About the Author: Alan Crisp DHP is a Clinical Hypnotherapist with a busy practice in Beckenham, Kent UK. He can be contacted on 020 8658 4290 or His website is found at
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Hypnosis - the state between sleeping and waking.

by Michael Sanford

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness one enters and leaves naturally all the time during your day-to day experiences. It feels very much like day dreaming i.e., the state between sleeping and waking. Hypnosis is a guided fantasy. In this state of relaxation you are more open to suggestions. In this state (also called alpha) your brain wave vibration rate slows down, giving you access to your Subconscious Mind. While your Conscious Mind is still completely aware of what is going on the whole time, in this relaxed state of mind, your subconscious mind has the ability to accept information given to it by the hypnotist.

Hypnosis is a valuable tool for self-empowerment and continuous personal growth. Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility. We are all influenced by suggestions. Hypnosis uses this natural human process to change negative patterns into positive patterns of behavior.

There is nothing mysterious about hypnosis. There are five components necessary to induce hypnosis.

Motivation - You must want to be Hypnotized Relaxation - Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation. Concentration - You will use your ability to concentrate. Imagination - You will use your vivid imagination. Suggestion - You will hear and respond to suggestions. Its application is based solely on the relationship between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind, having no power to reason, accepts and acts upon any fact or suggestion given to it by the conscious mind. As long as there have been human beings, there has been hypnosis. We use this commonly occurring, and natural state of mind, unknowingly, all the time. It is just natural for us. For example, if you have ever watched a television program or a movie and became really absorbed into the program, you were probably in a trance.

Advertisers understand this. They use television programs to induce a hypnotic trance and then provide you hypnotic suggestions, called commercials!

Everyone has already experienced hypnosis, by accident or intentionally.

Another common example of this naturally occurring state of mind is when you are driving down the road, with your mind focused on some other task (a day dream perhaps), and next thing you know, you have passed your next turn.

The hypnotic state is an optimum state for making changes in your life.

During hypnosis you can set aside limiting beliefs that may have been preventing you from moving toward a more healthy, and happier you.

In order for you to understand how hypnosis works, it is very important for you to understand the relationship between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind.

Since everyone has experienced light levels of hypnosis at different times, don't be surprised if you don't feel hypnotized. All that is required to be hypnotized is a motivation to be hypnotized, concentration, imagination, relaxation, and the willingness to respond to suggestion. There are ways to check for the depth level of hypnosis, usually in a one-on-one session.

During hypnosis, you will remain conscious of your surroundings. Some of the sensations you may experience are:

Tingling in your fingertips or limbs A sense of numbness or limb distortion A sense of being light and floating away from your body A heavy feeling like you are sinking A sense of energy moving through your body Feelings of emotions Fluttering eyelids An increase or decrease in salivation. When you notice that you are noticing these sensations, do not become alarmed or you may shock yourself right out of your trance. Just expect the trance to occur gradually and it will. Suggestions stay with some individuals indefinitely, others need reinforcement. The effects of hypnosis are cumulative: The more the techniques are practiced and posthypnotic suggestions are brought into play, the more permanent the results become.

Brain-imaging study has shed light on why some people are more susceptible than others to hypnosis. By hinting at the brain processes involved, the analysis also suggests that hypnosis - both the stage and therapeutic varieties - does have genuine effects on the brain's workings.

Those who are easily hypnotized show different activity in a brain region called the anterior cingulate gyrus, which is involved in planning our future actions, reports John Gruzelier of Imperial College London. In a hypnotic trance, the function of this region may be impaired, he says, meaning that subjects are more likely to follow a hypnotist's suggestion: "The hypnotist tells you to go with the flow, and so you don't evaluate what you're doing."

This is consistent with the idea that those who are easiest to hypnotize tend to describe themselves as generally letting go of their inhibitions quite easily, Gruzelier told the British Association Festival of Science in Exeter, UK, on Thursday.

Mind games

Some experts have argued that hypnotism is not a real physiological phenomenon at all, but rather the result of hypnotists imposing themselves on their subjects, who may be simply swept along. Stage hypnotists are often accused of intimidating their 'volunteers' into playing along for the sake of the show.

This effect is certainly part of the picture in performance hypnotism, says Gruzelier. "Lots of it is due to personality and persuasiveness, but then that's showbusiness," he told Such tactics can cause people to ignore the potential of genuine hypnosis to ease painful diseases, he adds: "Unquestionably, stage hypnotists give hypnotism a bad name."

"Humans like to comply; they don't like to be embarrassed," agrees Peter Naish, who studies hypnosis at the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK. But he insists that underneath the coercion used by charismatic stage acts, a physiological effect is occurring. "The evidence really is there; hypnosis is not miraculous," he adds.

Gruzelier studied 24 subjects, half of whom were categorized as succumbing easily to hypnotism, and half of whom were resistant. He scanned the volunteers' brains while they tackled a problem called the Stroop task, a test of mental flexibility that requires subjects to categorize a list of colours presented in a different colour - the word 'green' printed in blue, say - depending either on the name or the actual colour.

Gruzelier tested the subjects before and after they underwent a standard procedure used by hypnotists to put their subjects into a trance. In resistant subjects, the anterior cingulate gyrus was less strongly activated after the procedure than before, showing that their brains were working less hard as they got better at planning how to complete the task.

But in hypnotized volunteers, the anterior cingulate, and the regions that govern it, were more strongly activated when they were in a trance, showing that they were struggling harder to plot their actions, Gruzelier reported. He suspects that this impaired ability to plan for oneself makes people more suggestible.

This process may underlie hypnotists' ability to influence their subjects' behaviour, be it stopping smoking or barking like a dog whenever they hear Elvis Presley. Subjects frequently report that they feel compelled to do something even though they know they don't really want to.

Gruzelier also suspects that hypnotism may interfere with subjects' evaluation of future emotions such as embarrassment. A region in the brain's medio-frontal cortex, close to the anterior cingulate, governs our perception of how we will feel if we take a certain course of action, he says. If connections between the two regions are impaired, stage volunteers might happily act without thinking.

That may well be the final weapon in the showbiz hypnotist's arsenal, says Gruzelier. By not only making volunteers suggestible but also taking away their sense of shame, the possibilities for public ridicule are immense. "The structure that monitors the emotional consequences of future actions becomes disconnected," he suggests. "So you make a fool of yourself."
About the Author:For more information on Hypnosis please visit the Hypnosis resource center.
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Hypnosis and You

by Pradeep Aggarwal

Hypnosis or Hypnotism, these words often puts, not surprisingly the

layman in predicament. Stretch your imagination and we see wild

images of a Freud-like doctor swinging a pocket watch to and fro in

front of someone in deep emotional trouble? If so, don't worry

you're not alone. This is typical movie images and far from reality.

Hypnosis, on the contrary, is for all of us the ordinary people. And

hypnosis can be used to solve wide-ranging problems. Mind you its

not rocket science we cant understand. Each one of us can help

ourselves with self-hypnosis.

Imagine the problems we face in our lives

Worried about weight loss? Failed in Love? Bad Marriage? Obesity? Finding difficult to quite smoking? Lacking confidence Kick drugs? Fear? Stressed out? Sexual problems?

Hypnosis is the answer for all problems.

The world is full of people with myriad personal problems, big &

small. If someone wants to remove phobia, bad habits, addiction or

wants to develop positive attitude and make it big. Hypnosis can

eliminate all them and achieve your goal. All you need to know is -

HOW it can be done.

Benefits of Hypnosis - Physical & Mental

If you're among those fortunate who don't have any personal

problems, Hypnosis has immense benefits to offer - both physical &

mental, which can enhance your performance, thereby improving

efficiency and increasing productivity, all this without external

support of a Hypnotist. By simply practicing and going into a

hypnotic state on a regular basis you can do a world of good for


Let's analyze more benefits that hypnosis offers:

Hypnosis & Illness - One of the biggest problems people facing today

is - STRESS. Stress creates multiple problems - Sleep Disorders,

Headaches, and can even increase cholesterol. Hypnosis can help

reduce stress, since hypnosis is a state of physical and mental


Hypnosis & Breath - For a moment, stop reading this and concentrate

on your breathing pattern. You'll be breathing in short quick

breaths, this short quick breaths causes stress and tension. More,

it can make you feel dizzy, irritable and foggy. With hypnosis you

can learn what deep breath is and feel more relaxed and calm

Hypnosis and "Feel Good" Chemicals - The brain releases chemicals

when you're in deep relaxed mood. These chemicals are often in short

supply as we rush about our day. Hypnosis helps cause deep

relaxation, allowing these "feel good" chemicals to flow and create

a sense of control and well-being.

Hypnosis & Good Sleep - Deep breathing, hypnotic state relaxation

and feel good factor helps for a restful sleep. It is as if your

body "learns" how to sleep more peacefully due to the hypnotic


Hypnosis & Immune System - The other problem of stress is it

produced chemicals of the 'fight or flight' variety. This aroused

state affects the immune system. Regular relaxation - hypnosis kind

- can prevent this from happening.

The bottom line is we all need to live a good life. A life full of

happiness, peace and joy, devoid of worries, stress, illnesses. With

hypnosis you can achieve your goal, feel stronger, more relaxed and

will be in a better position to handle your life.

Hypnosis is, quite frankly, good for your body PERIOD

About the Author:Pradeep Agarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP Guru, conducted workshops on Hpynosis and NLP in all parts of the world. For more information, free articles, e-books, tapes, videos, tips, techniques on self hypnosis visit
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Hypnosis: Fact Or Fraud?

by Jonny Goldmann

The Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce would command himself to engage in out-of-body experiences and near-death experiences through self-hypnosis.

Under a trance state, he would give readings and diagnoses to people he has never met. His followers documented almost 14,000 journeys unto the spirit realm, made through his subconscious mind or what Cayce referred to as the soul.

Sensational historian David Lewis revealed that Adolf Hitler was once hypnotized and this may have been the root of the kind of life he has led.

Lewis claimed that in 1918, Hitler believed he has gone completely blind despite diagnoses of doctors that nothing is wrong with his eyes. Through hypnosis, a doctor suggested to Hitler that indeed, he has lost his eyesight but through will power he can make himself see again. Thats because God made him an exceptional person, the good doctor added. Since then, Lewis said, the hypnosis marked Hitler so much that he took life believing he was exceptional, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Robert F. Kennedys assassin was under the influence of a mastermind through hypnotism during the assassination, and was said to have shown robotic, trance-like movements and repeated RFK must die over and over again during police interrogation.

Have you read about clairvoyants reaching into other dimensions to get rare or secret information? How about mediums meddling with the underworld and calling the dead? Hypnosis stories are they for real?

Yes and No.

Yes, hypnotism really has been used as part of the treatment and therapy of various physical and psychological conditions. Through its ability to tap into the subconscious and to intensify focus and concentration, hypnosis can help you be more attuned with your intellectual and emotional capacity; thus helping you modify your habits and behaviors, or wield more control over the way you think and analyze.

But no, it is not the cure-all for your problems. It is not proven to be effective every time, as often claimed. The United States general surgeon reports there is insufficient evidence to support hypnosis as a treatment for smoking cessation. Again, the effectiveness of hypnotism depends on each and every different case it is being used for.

Indeed, it will not hurt to try hypnotism; but dont rely on it too much either. It may help you and may change your life forever. It may also work for you for an allotted period only. Or it may not and you may walk out of another hypnotism session unchanged and still be the same old self. Your results will depend on a lot of other factors aside from hypnosis, such as determination, motivation, and will power. Your destiny is still in your own hands.

About the Author:If you want to understand hypnosis - what's true and what's not and how to do it and do it right or how to use hypnosis to have confidence or break from bad habits, lose weight or just excel in life: Just visit this link for details:
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Hypnosis: Myth & Reality

by Pradeep Aggarwal

Hypnosis: Myth & Reality

Hollywood hype would have us believe that a hypnotist can control and direct our actions, and that we can be made to do all sorts of unimaginable things under hypnosis. Following is a list of some of these common myths which must be clarified before we proceed further.

The hypnotist can make you do things against your will.

Absolutely False. The hypnotist has no powers over you at all, and cannot make you do things against your will. All Hypnosis is really self-directed and self-controlled. The hypnotist merely guides you into a hypnotic state, and feeds your mind with carefully worded suggestions. If you feel uncomfortable with these suggestions, you may reject them at will. Hypnosis is essentially a matter of cooperation between the hypnotist and his subject, not some form of power the hypnotist possesses which will compel the subject to submit to his or her will.

Once under Hypnosis, one can't come out of the state on his own.

If you are under hypnosis and the hypnotist suddenly left the room, two things may happen. You will either realize that the hypnotist is no longer talking to you, and will open your eyes, feeling fresh and alert. Or, you may drift into natural sleep, in which case you will wake up after a few minutes (or hours). So, the subject can come out of the trance on his own.

Only weak-minded people can be hypnotized.

False. Hypnosis has nothing to do with will power. People often confuse hypnotibility with gullibility. There is no connection between the two. On the contrary, the more intelligent a person is, the easier it is for him to be hypnotized. To be hypnotized, one needs the abilities of concentration, imagination and vivid visualization.

Under hypnosis, the subject is totally unconscious.

At all times during the course of a hypnotic session, you will be able to hear and to think. You are aware of what is going on around you. Although your body is very relaxed, your mind is actually more alert than usual. Many people are worried by stage hypnosis and the fact that the subjects, many of whom do ridiculous things during the session, seem to have no knowledge of anything around them. The unfortunate part of such an activity is that it often frightens away those people who could really benefit from hypnotherapy, but are afraid of losing control.

Under hypnosis, one can be made to reveal his secrets.

As mentioned above, under hypnosis, the subject is fully alert, in fact more alert than usual. The hypnotist can only guide the subject to remember forgotten memories. Whether the subject will reveal them to the hypnotist is entirely at his own discretion.

Hypnosis is dangerous. Untrue. It is quite the opposite. Hypnosis is a safe and natural process. One fact that most people are unaware of is that we undergo Hypnosis several times in our daily lives. For example, while driving along a highway, very often, people suddenly discover that they have lost consciousness for several minutes. This is actually an example of momentary hypnotism. However, someone with epilepsy should never be hypnotized.

One needs special powers to be hypnotized.

Any average person with the willingness and patience to learn, can master the skills of hypnosis. Like other skills such as playing the piano, or learning a foreign language, some people are "naturals", and become accomplished with little training while others can increase their abilities through regular practice. A good, confident voice is an advantage, but not a must. Of course, children lacking an understanding and appreciation for the subject (usually below the age of 5) may not respond to hypnosis in the desired way.

The user might become dependent on hypnosis.

You cannot become dependent upon hypnosis because it has no physical effects on the body. However, many people look forward to their daily hypnosis exercises because they become totally relaxed and awaken refreshed.

About the Author: Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning two and half decades working, teaching, conducting workshops on Hypnosis Globally. He has authored many Books Hypnosis & NLP. Visit
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by Tony Robinson

Hypnosis is a funny thing - people either believe or do not believe. Unfortunately, the problem many times with not believing is not having a full understanding of what it is. Because of this, people fear hypnosis, believing they are required to surrender all control of body and mind. Obviously, this belief is frightening but it is also untrue. By understanding hypnosis, you will see that it is actually a respected and effective method for overcoming many of life's challenges. When performed by a certified hypnotist or licensed hypnotherapist, you would be amazed at how beneficial hypnosis can be.

Keep in mind that when you are hypnotized, you are not asleep, although you might appear to be, but not always. Although there is no legal definition of hypnosis, you can think of it as a natural state of mind, something induced in everyday life. For instance, when you become engrossed in a good book, movie, sporting event, and so on, you go into an induced state, which is what hypnosis really is. During this natural hypnotic state, the professional guide can offer suggestions that are absorbed by both conscious and subconscious mind.

The bottom line is that hypnosis is like self-hypnosis, with the power being in the mind of the person being hypnotized. In other words, you can use self-hypnosis tools if you like but even when you are hypnotized by a hypnotist or hypnotherapist, your mind's power is being used while this person only serves as a guide, facilitating the process. With training and skill, this guide can direct and lead the subject of the trance. In this case, if you were trying to stop smoking, lose weight, overcome fear, or whatever, the hypnotist simply guides the process to help you succeed.

You could consider hypnotism as a form of guided meditation. Think about the various things you use on a daily basis to relax or escape reality such as music, television, church, reading, taking a way, etc. Hypnosis is simply another medium for meditation except in this case you use a professional guide. Again, you can use self-hypnosis or the assistance of a certified hypnotist or licensed hypnotherapist. The difference is that the professional has special training that you do not have, thus the results are often better.

Remember, you are not giving over control of your mind while being hypnotized. Again, think about watching a movie or reading a book, although you become engrossed with the goings on, you are not giving control of your mind to anything. The same is true when it comes to hypnosis. This means that while you are under a hypnotic trance, you still have the power to emerge from this stage anytime you like. However, allowing the professional to guide you, the challenge you are facing can be resolved. As you see, hypnosis is nothing to fear. Therefore, if you find yourself in a place where you need to conquer, you might consider hypnosis as a viable option for getting help.

About the Author:Tony Robinson is a firm beliver in hypnosis. He is also a Webmaster and International Author. Visit for his tips on hypnosis.
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by Tony Robinson

If you were to ask 100 people what they believe hypnosis feels like, the majority would say, "the sense of floating", "being asleep", or "totally unaware of surroundings". In truth, people who are hypnotized actually very much aware of what is being done and said, hearing each word spoken. In fact, unless the person was to go into an extremely deep state of hypnosis, he or she would not feel any different than right now. If you have been contemplating hypnosis but have concerns that you will drift off somewhere and never return or fall into a trance whereby you are unaware of activity, then you have nothing to worry about because hypnosis is nothing like that at all.

When being hypnotized by a hypnotherapist or hypnotist, or if being hypnotized by self-hypnosis, you are generally lying down or reclining back in your favorite, overstuffed chair. Most experts would tell you that you feel as if you have just settled in and now, you are watching a movie or reading a great book. The only real sense of "feeling" that you might have is an overall calm, mellow, or weightlessness. Again, if you do slip into a deeper state that you might feel as if you had a few drinks but without the fuzziness, headache, or other side effects. With hypnosis, there is an almost euphoric sense or peace and tranquility.

The interestingly thing is that you could be in a very light state, actually communicating with the hypnotist or hypnotherapist and not even realize you are hypnotized. Because of this, when you work with a professional, that person needs to be specially trained to understand pre-induction discussion, along with after hypnosis discussion. In other words, you want a professional that will not just ramble on about nonsensical things but be using the conversation during this "light" time as pre-induction, setting the state of hypnosis so to speak. That way, you are gradually brought to the level where you need to be for your goal to e achieved.

The thing to remember with hypnosis is that when in a hypnotic state, certain abilities are enhanced. For example, your ability to recall memories, be creative, responsiveness, and imagery are all amplified. If you were in a very, light hypnotic state that does not mean you would not respond to suggestions being made by the hypnotist or hypnotherapist. However, experts believe that when the subconscious mind is taken into a deeper state, these abilities are enhanced even further, which means the hypnosis can be a greater success. For some people, this ability makes hypnosis appealing while for others, it raises questions of concern. However, you can be assured that when done by a professional, hypnosis is beneficial, not scary, and not dangerous.

The problem is that Hollywood has glamorized hypnosis for years, making people believe you fall into this deep trance, lose all consciousness, and do whatever the hypnotist wants you to do. This misnomer has pushed many people away from trying hypnosis, which is a real shame. When done correctly and by an expert who has proper training and credentials, hypnosis can help you overcome all types of problems. As an example, if you have been trying to lose weight but cannot change the numbers on the scale, hypnosis can help change that. If you want to stop smoking, again, hypnosis can help. If you suffer from some type of chronic illness and the pain is too much to bear, hypnosis can bring you much-needed relief.

The best thing for anyone interested in being hypnotized is to educate themselves first. Therefore, if this is something you have been considering, go out to get some reputable books such as "Hypnotism Today" by LeCron & Bordeaux to understand exactly what hypnosis is, how it works, and how it feels. Chances are that you will be amazed at what this method can do. Another great book that can enlighten you about hypnosis is called "Hypnotherapy" by Dave Elman.

Although hypnosis has been around for hundreds and hundreds of years, it is something coming back to life, as more and more people begin to understand that you do have feeling and control. Today, a number of leading experts in the field of hypnosis have written books or put together videos and/or tapes to teach people just like you what hypnosis is all about. The majority of people who are hypnotized will tell you that the experience was nothing but positive. You too will find that you feel relaxed, rejuvenated, and recharged. In addition to your original problem melting away, you will likely feel better overall, both physically and mentally.

About the Author: Tony Robinson is a firm beliver in hypnosis. He is also a Webmaster and International Author. Visit for his tips on hypnosis.
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